sabato 19 maggio 2007


Hi girls! I=m really sorry that I didn't write this post sooner but 1st I got wrong with the deadlines and 2nd I had some problems in writing down my Ple because in the previous lesson I was absent (health problems). As I have already said I had some difficulties while I was thinking at my PLE, first because I didn't really understand what I had to write and second because when I made up my mind I found that there were too many things that could be written! The general knowledge we acquired during our life is huge and it depends on thousands of things that are not only linked with what we have studied but also with our family, the schools we attend and the people we meet. I learnt it while I was adding information to the page called Informal Learning in EduTech Wiki. Before writing this page I didn't know that there was also an informal way of learning things, but this is what we have done duriong all this course!
Our knowledge is like a plant, we have to take care of it and nourish it day after day.
I divided my mindmap in FORMAL and INFORMAL. In the first part I dealt with school, university, and private courses I took during my life and the Informal part gave me problems because I didn't know what to write in this area. Then I thought at what helped me outside the "academic world"during this years and I filled the schema.
What is important to say is that culture and knowledge are privileges no matter the way we learn them!

3 commenti:

Elena ha detto...

I'm happy we edited the informal learning page because it was really interesting and it turned out to be useful as well!

You've been ery poetic :-)Tania ("our knowledge is like a plant, we have to take care of it and nourish it day after day") but very realistic. We have almost finished uni but there are still many many things to do, to learn to discover!

See u,

Alida ha detto...

Dear tania,
I agree with what you wrote!
It is not only our formal learning that is important; there are so many places and people that teach us new things without even realizing it.
As you said, I believe that we do not have to take anything for granted but try to learn as much as we can during our whole life.

alex ha detto...

Hi Tania!

I liked the metaphor you used - the plant - as it explains very well the learning process.Day by day we learn something new but what is important is to maintain it.Take languages.If you do not improve them in some way you might lose the competence you have gathered.And we don't want it to happen!
